The Horizon Series of encaustic works is a contemplation of the intriguing and soothing effect of gazing into the distance.

In this series I have chosen to express visually that feeling of wonderment and release you get whilst gazing out at the ocean horizon. I am intrigued by how the colours and texture of the ocean are influenced by the colours and light in the sky.   

The ever elusive horizon fascinates, whether it be land or sea. Looking wistfully at the horizon encourages us to contemplate what’s beyond, recognizing that there is more out there worth exploring. The horizon draws our attention outwards rather than inwards, which can be refreshing and uplifting and can give us the courage to move forward.

For myself, the horizon means a sense of space, freedom and instantaneous exhalation. Running a busy household with 4 children, I get this sense of peace when I allow myself the time to gaze into the distance over the ocean at Anna Bay in Port Stephens.